Reflection and moving forward are two of my greatest strengths.

On this final day of 2024, my sole intention is to be fully present with both, together, in this moment.



I’ve seen the highlight reels from hundreds of people during this past month.


I was not one of them.


Instead, I brought a different perspective. Though it’s definitely not my usual positive, it seemed to resonate (currently with over 2,000 people).


I did not make the progress, from a professional standpoint, that I had hoped.


Instead of the life-giving and meaningful impact I’m constantly striving for, I had far more days that left me with….this is not where I’m supposed to be.


It would be easy to stay here, in the doldrums of reflection, but it’s not for me.


Instead, through reflection, I have been able to see all the light that is starting to shine through.


And I believe, whole-heartedly, that this is where the real lessons are.


This is how we grow. And this is how we move forward after deep reflection.


By the way, I practiced deep reflection in 2024 via the following methods:

  1. Journaling
  2. Family time in Roatan, Honduras (April)
  3. Walking the lake (summer months)
  4. Ayurveda course through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (began in October – still going through it)
  5. Quiet time at Ten Thousand Waves Spa in Santa Fe, New Mexico (November)

Moving Forward

Here are 21 things I know for sure after spending time in the deep reflection:

  1. I no longer subscribe to hustle culture—less is more.
  2. Exhaustion is real; my body reminds me daily (cortisol and DHEA don’t produce themselves anymore).
  3. No amount of money is worth the toll of chronic stress.
  4. Space equals freedom, and I value it deeply.
  5. True authenticity matters, but algorithms don’t care—both truths coexist.
  6. Exploration fuels my growth and joy.
  7. Time with my children is irreplaceable; moments missed can’t be regained.
  8. If I don’t love the process, I can’t achieve the outcome.
  9. Though I’m Type A, I now choose calm over chaos.
  10. I didn’t come this far to only come this far.
  11. Anything—including people—can be toxic.
  12. True needs often differ from perceived wants; clarity is key.
  13. If someone’s opinion on a topic doesn’t matter to me, neither does their opinion of me.
  14. Reflection is essential for growth; but dwelling on the past is a recipe for disaster.
  15. Thoughts can be catalysts for action or anchors for fear; choose wisely.
  16. There is only one way out…and that is through.
  17. I will never have today back; how am I making it count?
  18. Consistency always trumps intensity.
  19. Progress is never linear, and that’s where growth happens.
  20. Silence isn’t empty—it’s full of answers.
  21. Letting go of what no longer serves me makes space for what truly does.

2025: Professional

  1. Sell Thyme on Main
  2. Work with a team to positively impact culture and profitability (you can email me directly at sarahkayhoffman at for access to this page)
  3. Maintain A Gutsy Girl

2025: Personal

  1. Explore
  2. Begin (and finish?) writing my book
  3. Bible in a Year
  4. Dedicate time to embracing and navigating each child’s unique challenges.
  5. Document a year of inspiring thoughts and quotes.
  6. Read at least 12 books on Audible.
  7. Finish my 50 before 50 list.
  8. Take 2 solo trips (✓ btw – these have already been booked and planned!)

New Year’s Eve 2024

After all the reflecting and knowing exactly what I want for 2025, going out for New Year’s Eve didn’t seem to align.


Tonight, I’ll create a list inspired by these reflections—things that no longer serve me. I’ll acknowledge them with gratitude for the role they played in my journey, shaping who I am today, for better or worse.


Then, I’ll release them by tossing them into the fire, letting them go with a final farewell.


Happy New Year to you!

△🌱 – Sarah Kay Hoffman

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